Tuesday, 19 July 2011

10 tips to help you stop snoring


That’s a bold statement isn’t it? Maybe a little exaggerated. It’s not as immediate as a bullet in the head or a fall from a ten storey building, but it has been suggested that the effects of snoring can considerably effect your health.

Here’s a saying I heard once which has stuck with me;

“there’s not a lot of things that you can necessarily do to extend your life, but there’s a considerable number of things that you can do to shorten it”
That rings true doesn’t it? Smoking, drinking, drugging, overeating, they all shorten our life span whether we believe it or not.

Snoring can kill you. The effects of it can cause considerable harm to you and are very upsetting and stressful for those around you. If you are a persistent snorer you will recognise this. The lack of a good night’s sleep is the key factor that if not remedied, will contribute to your ill health.

There are methods to significantly moderate if not altogether stop you snoring, and below are some useful tips.

1. Avoid big meals right before bedtime. A full stomach will push up you diaphragm and limit your breathing.

2. Stop smoking. Not only is it killing you, but smoking before bedtime inflames the throat and will make your snoring worse.

3. Use a firmer sleeping pillow. A soft pillow will encourage your throat muscles to relax and you will snore more.

4. Try to sleep on your front, or even better, on your side. Sleeping on your back will make your snoring even worse. Some people will go as far as stitching some form of uncomfortable item in to the back of their sleep wear, such as a tennis ball, to prevent them from rolling over.

5. Lose some weight. It will increase the space in your air passage way which may alleviate the symptoms.

6. Stay away from dairy products right before bedtime as they build up mucus in the throat.

7. Finding and maintaining a regular sleep pattern should alleviate symptoms. Shift workers are always the worse snorers!

8. Keep you head up higher by using a thicker pillow. If you haven’t got one, use two pillows on top of each other. This will elevate the head and lessen the snoring.

9. Try taking a dose of honey before bedtime. It is suggested that this helps.

10. Avoid “rich foods” such as biscuits and chocolate before bed.

These are all natural remedies that won't cost you money and can be done in your own home. I hope they help!

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